Monday, August 4, 2008


A couple updates on Willy B-

1) He's reading!

2) He's been telling us how handsome he is and that girls are not handsome, they're pretty. And the other day he put some water on his hair to make himself handsome and he declared himself "stylish".

3) One of his favorite phrases is "I know that." Example:
Angie- Will, you're a great big brother!
Will- I know that.

And on Catie Cat-

1) She's talking more and more, and her favorite thing to say right now is "noooo" with a vigorous head shake. Yesterday Dave was singing this little "Catie Cat" song and as soon as he would start, Catie would shout out "noooo!" I tried to get it on video to no avail.

2) I think she wants to pee on the toilet? She's been hanging out in the bathroom and is very interested whenever anyone needs to go. She's pounded on the toilet seat a couple times while saying "up!"- so I put her up there the other day. While nothing came out while she was on the toilet, she did pee on the floor as soon as I took her off. Close, right?


jen geigley said...

reading!?!? GO Will! That is awesome.

Nayanna Arts said...

Ok, seriously, Will is a GENIUS!

Gaby is into the same "no" phase, except she says it like "NOoooO" in that sort of half-funny way ;)

And that WAS close! Heck, it was in the same room, it counts :P