I was going to make a post about how stubborn Catie is (she's sitting here with me insisting that I allow her to chew on the USB cord that connects to the camera...and by "insisting" I mean "whining, crying, and general tantruming"...I had to completely remove it and put it away) until I realized it's Friday again! Some photos from the week:

My parents were here this past weekend and Catie cajoled my dad into reading Otto. Afraid, however, that she'd be pigeonholed as an exclusive "baby book reader"...

...she got Dave to read some Tolstoy. (Nice mustache, Dude.)

Will's been eating a lot lately, so we've resorted to making him earn his keep.

Who knew that the toys my kids have long outgrown and were going to a garage sale would bring so much happiness?
Why are you selling the ultra saucer? It looks perfect for Will! LOL! Can you believe he once used that??? Our babies grow SOOOO fast!
I'm cracking up over Will earning his keep! And, yeah, Dude...what's up with the 'stache? ;)
First, LOVE photo Friday! Second, the last time I saw Dave (which was in the fall) he had the same 'stache... Angie, I am begining to think you might be an enabler.
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