Background: This is Catie's favorite book at the mo'. She walks around talking about "Ah-ooooh" all day long and will read the book at any time.
So we're leaving the mall this morning and this is the convo I near from the back seat:
Will: There's the Sears Auto Center!
Catie: OTTO!
Will: Not Otto, Catie! Sears Auto Center!
Catie: OTTO!
Will: No, Catie, not Otto. Just Sears Auto.
Catie: OTTO!
(Side note: We've had two Todd Parr books and they're a huge hit! I really should get more.)
(How do I fix this formatting?!?!)
Gotta love those conversations! We have Todd Parr's Silly Shapes and Colors book and that's been a huge hit in our house.
"mo" and "convo"--that's how cool people talk, right? Gramma Bonnie
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