And what she wants is to choose her socks. When socks aren't needed.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Friday, May 30, 2008
Photo Friday
...she got Dave to read some Tolstoy. (Nice mustache, Dude.)
Will's been eating a lot lately, so we've resorted to making him earn his keep.
Who knew that the toys my kids have long outgrown and were going to a garage sale would bring so much happiness?
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Tell Me a Story...
Tell me a story...
...about the time when Aunt Kim was a big girl and she cried when Aunt Pam took her to a car wash. (this is a version of a true story of Kim being a little girl and my mom taking her through a car wash and Kim cried)
...about the time when I (Will) was a little tiny baby and Laura came to visit me and I peed on her leg. (true story)
...about the time when Laura was an itsy bitsy baby and she came to visit me when I was a big boy and she peed on my leg.
...about the time I was itsy bitsy and I was scared of the L train. (true)
...about when I was a big boy and I took the L train to work and you (Angie) were sad.
...about the time you and I were big kids and we went for a ride on the L.
...about the time you were a little girl and you went for a ride on the city bus and you did not like it.
...about the time Laura was an itsy bitsy baby and she had a big poop and she cried and cried. ("I really like this one!")
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
So we're picking up our new car tonight.
A Bunch of Stuff (and Happy Birthday, Beans!)
(Hey Mom! Remember when you said I don't write much on my blog? I'm making up for it today!)
Last night Dave and I were awakened by Burt's gutteral growling and hissing at the open bay window in our bedroom. I jumped up and looked out and saw something grey scamper away- I assumed it was a cat. But a cat on our roof? About 30 seconds later Burt was at it again, and this time I saw a little raccoon face peering in the window. She wasn't to be deterred by my banging on the window or by Burt's fierceness (ha!), but the light of the bedroom made her run. Of course Dave had to Google raccoons on roofs and found that they often try to nest in attics and chimneys. Weird. But for for your viewing enjoyment, we also YouTubed raccoons and found this funny video...
Friday, May 23, 2008
Photo Friday!
We go to the Farmers' Market every Saturday morning, and this past weekend they had an awesome setup of emergency vehicles, which put Will over the moon! There was this Blackhawk helicopter:
and this firetruck:
and even bomb squad vehicles, police motorcycles, and a bomb-sniffing dog. So cool!
This type of couch shenaniganry happens daily:
We have a friend who sent us an awesome package filled with fun baking things! Both kids now have personalized aprons, and we now have 101 every-season cookie cutters. We did a little baking yesterday.
And perhaps I'm a little more desperate for Catie to get hair than I previously thought. (Can you see it? The little tiny barrette? It's totally unnecessary and useless and it came out within 3 minutes.) Some day....some day.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
High Five

The other day he amazed me. We got the magazine out to read before bed and he told me he wanted to read some of the stories/poems. We opened to the first page, a poem titled "Crescent Moon", and Will proceeded to "read" the whole thing, moving his finger along the words at approximately the right pace. The next page was a comic strip that he read as well. He can also read "Old Mother Hubbard" and a couple other things.
I totally know that he's not really reading the words, but I can't help but think he's not far from it!

Background: This is Catie's favorite book at the mo'. She walks around talking about "Ah-ooooh" all day long and will read the book at any time.
So we're leaving the mall this morning and this is the convo I near from the back seat:
Will: There's the Sears Auto Center!
Catie: OTTO!
Will: Not Otto, Catie! Sears Auto Center!
Catie: OTTO!
Will: No, Catie, not Otto. Just Sears Auto.
Catie: OTTO!
(Side note: We've had two Todd Parr books and they're a huge hit! I really should get more.)
(How do I fix this formatting?!?!)
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Getting Our Party On
Our family was invited to a 30th birthday party thrown by a woman who used to work at the courthouse with Dave, Adrienne, for her husband Tanner. I think we were the only ones who brought children (I didn't stay all that long with the kids, so it's possible more kids came later...but I doubt it), but let me tell you, they were a hit! The first thing Will did was pull up a chair and announce, "I want to eat that food!", which elicited giggles from all the people on the patio. Adrienne had made gourmet kiddy food: Fluffernutter sandwiches with Nutella on homemade bread, baked macaroni and cheese bites, adult-style cheese and crackers (peppered goat cheese, Manchego, Roquefort, and pepper crackers), chicken on a stick, fancy sausage in a blanket, fruit skewers...all incredibly delicious. So I got him a plate, and no kidding, he oohed and aahed about how awesome it was practically every bite! Catie was pretty excited about the food too, pushing away everything with a "eeh!" and pointing only to the Fluffernutter sandwich with a "peeeeeee?" (please in Catie-speak)
Pretty soon Will was talking to everyone, but he really took a shining to Tanner. He asked Tanner to play with the stuffed frog with him in the basement. He asked Tanner to play ball in the yard. He looked for Tanner when he wasn't around so he could wish him a Happy Birthday "just one more time". He declared Tanner his best friend.
At one point, I returned to the patio from the house and heard Will talking about "party names". He named someone "Tonky Tonkerson" and then turned to Tanner's boss, a woman who had been talking to Will quite a bit, and declared "Cupcake" to be her party name. I later asked Dave who had brought up party names and he said it was all Will's idea.
When we got home, I asked Will if he likes getting his party on. Of course the answer was "YES!"
Friday, May 16, 2008
You rock, Sarah!
Photo Friday
So I guess this means I better start carrying my camera around with me at all times. I don't want to embarass myself! Be on the lookout for some great photos next week because the weather is going to be "fab-lee-ous" (or so Will told me this morning!).
Thursday, May 15, 2008
On the Phone
-Said by Will to his friend Ashlee who was over to play.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Did You Know...
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Catie's a Shrimp!
21.75 pounds (25%)
29.5 inches (18%)- why is it when I measure her at home she's an inch longer?
But her melon is huge. 18.5 inches- 75%
Will had 7.25 pounds and 3.5 inches on her at this age.
Dr. Uthe is pleased with her physical and verbal development (and even said "advanced"!). She also told us that she loves it when we come to visit her- Will is one of her favorite patients. Granted, he wasn't her patient today, but he goes with us. Dr. Uthe said she tells everyone the story about Will getting a doctor kit for Christmas- when he told me that doctor kits are "girl toys" because he's only ever seen a female doctor in action. She also likes to tell the story about Will telling her she looked like a princess (she was wearing a skirt), asking why, if she's a princess, she was wearing shoes (apparently princesses don't wear shoes?) and then the next time he saw her, commenting on the fact that she was wearing pants that day and maybe she's not a princess? Not to play favorites with kids in the same family, Dr. Uthe was sure to point out the very fine points about Catie...the regulars like "she's so sweet", "she's so cute", and "she and Will are so different!"
And then, as we were driving home, I witnessed the power of advertising. Will knows we drive by a McDonald's on the way home. As we left the hospital grounds he asked if we could go there for lunch. I said no. So we're driving down the road and Will gasped when he spotted a McD's billboard and exclaimed, "See right there, Mom? They want us to go to McDonald's! We're supposed to go to McDonald's!"
I didn't give in.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Happy Belated Mothers' Day, Mom!
Will: Mom, how old are those trees???
Me: They're very old, Will. Older than Grandma and Grandpa.
Will: Grandma Bonnie and Grandpa Curt are not even old, Mom! They're good!
Me: You mean they're young?
Will: Yes, they're young!
First Words
Catie has about 15 words, none of which are all that clear. Sure, you can't miss "uh oh" or "icky". "Daa-y" is a constant. "Buuuu" is Burt and "Dada" is Will (?). "Ba" is bath and "Bah-y" is Barry, her bear. Today she added "ca ca" to the list. Can you guess what it is? She loves it, and it's something I had every day of my pregnancy with her and every day while nursing for over a year.
Yep, one of her first words is coffee. Grandpa Curt will be so proud!