Thursday, June 5, 2008

Back That Thing Up

Let's see if I can explain this. Those of you with toddlers will know exactly what I'm talking about. It's just not something you can take a picture of (correction: It's not something I can take a picture of...I'm sure my friend Sarah could figure out a way to capture it), but it's one of the sweetest things in the world, so I feel like I should give it its due.

Catie's mastered the art of "The Back-up".

"The Back-up" is this: While you're sitting on the floor, a toddler brings over something she wants to share with you. She turns so her behind is facing you, starts slowly backing up with her big, diapered tush jutted out, aiming for your lap which she may or may not land on. Sharing of the afore-mentioned "something" commences.

We now have two "Back-up" artists in our home. Lovin' it.

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