Friday, May 1, 2009

If You Haven't Given Up...

The past several weeks, Will's been telling me about this white spot/circle that he sees floating and spinning in front of his face and around the house. I showed him this picture

of Isaac that I took at Catie's birthday party and he shouted, "Yes! There it is!" about the little orb you see by Isaac's leg. It's not in any of my other photos (well, I did see it one other time, but I must have deleted the photo) and I don't see it floating around. So what is it? A spirit? Dust?


Jen said...

Does Will get migraines? Surely he's too young for them...but I always have a visual aura/floaters in my eyes right before. Might be better off if you have a friendly ghost in lieu of the headaches.

Carol said...

thats creepy Angie.... creepy!

Molly said...

Oh I am so intrigued! I wonder what it is!!!