I confess- I haven't sent it in yet. It's going tomorrow. Catie and I will drop off Will at school and we'll run to the UPS store to get it boxed up and sent. Who knows how long it will take- they have to diagnose the problem first, then agree to fix it for free. Hmmm...maybe they won't agree to the free fixage? Then I'll get my new camera! No. Wait. That's a waste of money. I do hope they fix it. Sort of.
But for now, I'll post some pictures that my sister Christina took this weekend. Enjoy!
Catie Cat at Aunt Lois and Uncle John's
Willy and me sliding down the huge slide at our neighborhood's Beaverdale Fall Festival.
(He wasn't a fan)
1 comment:
Awww! I'm sorry Willy didn't like the slide. Great pics though! I hope they fix the camera for free. If not it may be cheaper to buy a new one!
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