Today is Catie's 2nd birthday!
We've had a good day so far- Catie enjoyed her birthday yogurt, we took Will to school, then we headed to see Dr. Uthe for her 2-year well child appointment. She did have a growth spurt, landing her in the 50th percentile for height (33.5 inches) and the 50th to 75th percentile for weight (27 pounds). While Dr. Uthe was not too shocked by her vocabulary and speech given who Catie's brother is, she was impressed considering Catie's just 2. Catie's been responding "Happy Birthday!" whenever anyone wishes her the same.
Unfortunately, we've had to postpone Catie's family birthday party that was planned for this weekend because a snow storm is supposed to be coming through and it doesn't make sense for my parents and sister to drive because it could be a doozy. Of course now that we've postponed, it won't be anything to write home about! It works out that everyone is free for next weekend, so we'll just do it then.
Some things our 2-year-old is doing and saying:
- recognizes almost all of her upper-case letters
- sings the ABC song pretty well
- loves to dance and sing along with They Might Be Giants
- freely spreads the love with words and kisses
- tells us regularly that she's cute
- LOVES to read
- is getting better at recognizing colors
- HATES having her picture taken
Happy Birthday Catie-Cat!!! Is that a bit of red in her hair? Or is it still light blonde? could be my monitor...
What a sweet and SMART girl you have! :D I'm glad she had a great birthday!
happy happy birthday to our little pal!
Hope your big day was fabulous, Catie Cat!
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