The significance of this is that she put together her first little sentence. Sure, she says, "I don't know!" with a shoulder raise when I ask her a question, but that's something she's heard us saying.
2) We had friends over this morning for Morning Latte. Eight women with a total of 13 children here in our little house. It was lots of fun. See evidence:
The big kids made themselves at home in Will's closet. It was a tight squeeze.
(What is Morning Latte, you ask? It's getting a bunch of stay-at-home-moms together in the morning for coffee and breakfast pastries- or in today's case, pumpkin cake and pumpkin dip- and good conversation, while letting our kids run around and entertain themselves. I guess it's the morning version of the 3-Martini Playdate.)
3) I just made pesto for the first time ever. I used basil from my garden. It is pretty good, but a tad salty. I think I'll be able to tweak it so it's awesome. :)
CUTE! Willy looks so happy to have all of his friends crammed into his closet! So adorable!
That pic turned out so sweet--we had a blast!
Sounds like a great day! So jealous about pumpkin goodies and friends over for playdates.... ;)
Love the photo - and had a great time at your house! Looking forward to the next one...
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