This past weekend we took a family vacation to the Wisconsin Dells with my mom and dad, as well as my younger sister Christina and my niece and nephew (daughter and son to my older sister Kim) Autumn and Jack. We rented a 3-bedroom condo with a full kitchen and 2 bathrooms at Glacier Canyon (part of the Wilderness Waterpark Resort)- plenty of space for the 9 of us for a couple days!
You may think we're crazy for vacationing with all that family, but there are a couple reasons we do it. 1) My family rocks and is tons of fun and appreciates QAT-
Time- and wine and cheese, and 2) All that family around means that we can relax a little on vacation because the family likes to play with our kids. I don't recommend this type of space-sharing if you don't have an awesome family like I do.
I know the Dells has a reputation for being cheesy, but I'll tell you what! It was an ideal place for a vacation with two young kids and two older kids and a bunch of adults who like to act like kids. As a matter of fact, we celebrated my mom's
mumblemumbleth birthday at the same place, back when it was quite a bit smaller, because she loves waterparks. We came to the conclusion that anyone who doesn't like waterparks is just plain crazy, and we intend to enjoy them to the fullest until we can't take our wheelchairs up the steps to the slides.
Without further ado, here are some pictures I didn't share on Facebook. Maybe some I did share, too.
At the scenic overlook near The House on the Rock, which totally wasn't scenic |
Catie has this awesome little swim she does all by herself, with the help of the swim vest |
Action shot! |
He is in the air! I'm so glad I caught this expression! |
Sunning, swimming, and sliding are hard work |
Wow Dave...way to conquer those scary slides! |
A group of misfits |
Action golf shot |
A closer look at what Catie was doing. What WAS she doing? |
The whole fam |
All tuckered out and on the way home |
This was after he barfed 3 times...great car ride home, I tell you. |
I hope we can convince the family to go again soon. (hint, hint)
Next time I'm SO going! i worked the entire time :-( The kids had a blast and were full of Will, Catie and Uncle Dave stories.
If Kim can't go, I am SO going to take her place.
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