Catie's been a little obsessed with yoga. She'll wake up in the morning and roll her blanket up, take it to Will's room, unroll it, and strike some poses, calling it her yoga mat.
rolled yoga mat
downward dog on mat
tree pose on mat
We've also gotten to the point where Catie's hair can be put into pigtails! I've been waiting 2.5 years for this, so you can shut your trap if you're going to mention how tiny they are. I don't care.
Will's been very "boy" lately- doing lots of jumping and wrestling.
And check it out! We finally got Will a bike with training wheels! He's absolutely in LOVE. We even took a ride (well, Will rode, we walked and pushed Catie in a stroller) to Snookies Malt Shop- an entire mile away! He rode there and back just wonderfully!
The National Balloon Classic is in Indianola right now. We went with friends last night. I love this event! I'd say 50 balloons took off from the field in front of us, and more took off from other places and landed in the field in front of us.
Will and his frenemy, Elliott. They love eachother one second and not the next, but I think it all evens out.
Both kids are big fans of The Beach Boys.
(Did you get that they're surfing? Clever.)
Random Will Goodness
Will's coming up on what we think will be his final eye patch appointment. His right eye has strengthened significantly! He's also been taking swimming lessons twice a week this summer and has improved greatly. He still often tries to cajole his teacher into moving closer to the wall when he jumps to her, but he's getting braver and braver by the day. He and Dave have been reading books from the "Magic Treehouse" series- they're chapter books!
Random Catie Goodness
Catie's getting funnier and quirkier by the day. The other night I asked her where her shoes were and she answered, "I 'sappeared them." (I believe that's, "I disappeared them.") Her language has exploded (remember when I was worried about her average language? Yeah, notsomuch anymore.) and she's talking and singing about everything. She insists on doing whatever Will is doing- riding bikes, jumping off the bed, jumping off the stairs. Oh! And she's potty trained! So for now we're down to Pull-ups during naps and nighttime, but she stays dry for pretty much every nap and about 4 of 7 nights. I won't be brave enough to go farther than that until she's in a big girl bed, and I'm in no hurry to move that direction.
So there you have it. :)
I'm so happy you ended the hiatus! That's good stuff right there. I ADORE how much Catie is taking after her mommy with the yoga! And how cute is Will with his frenemy? Love to see the pics and hear the stories!
Whew! You almost killed me with that long absence of impossibly cute pictures and quotes. But I'm revived now, and can go on with life. LOVE the new posts.
We went to that Indianola balloon thing when we were little!
What a fun update on your two kiddos! I love Catie's yoga obsession. :) Will looks so big and handsome with his glasses. I'm glad his vision has improved so much - that's awesome!
Your kids' rooms are too clean. :P
Awesome post, dude. Need to know who made/or where you purchased the nifty window treatment in Will's room. Super cute! And your kids and your blog make me smile!
Goodness gracious! Catie & Gaby are fromt he same mold! Crazy! I should try Yoga and see what she does with it! lol Will is looking so handsome in those glasses, but they seem to give him a false sense of "quite bookworm" kind of fellow, whereas he seems to be the very "energetic" little guy (ahem, jumping pic!)
LOVE their surfing! Love how Catie dances!! Too cute! YAY for the end of the hiatus!
They are so cute! I love how they surf with surfing music in the background! I like Catie's little pigtails! I wish I could see them soon!
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